Tips for Learning Spanish

* Take baby steps. Start simple and avoid material beyond your level. You’ll get there!

* Be fearless! Make mistakes and keep on trying.

* Be consistent. Do at least one Spanish activity daily, even if it’s reading a shampoo bottle.

* Be playful. Improve your writing with imaginative stories, poems and songs.

* Take a class. Accelerate your learning with expert instruction.

* “Friend” a native speaker. Find a conversation partner. Spanish is a living language!

* ¡Abre los ojos! Get in the habit of describing people, places and things you see in Spanish.

* ¡Abre los oídos! Tune into Spanish-speaking radio, TV and podcasts.

* ¡Abre la boca! Join a Meet Upconversation group or book group!

* Make memories. Keep a Spanish journal, but cap daily entries at 100 words each.

* Study. The imperfect subjunctive is learned in stages, not by osmosis.

* Travel. Immersion = total engagement with the language.